1 SparkTG Cloud Telephony Mobile Apps

Download SparkTG Cloud Telephony Mobile Apps Now!

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Download SparkTG Cloud Telephony Mobile Apps Now!

Feature rich Contact Center Solution for Enterprises

SparkTG’s cloud telephony mobile app is ideal for the new normal. Now, supervisors and agents can easily access all the call center features remotely. This also gives a lot of flexibility and convenience to these professionals to do their job more comfortably as well as efficiently. Our mobile apps have zero investment in the infrastructure and can start working instantly.

The apps also enable the supervisors to keep a track on the go with an uninterrupted and seamless access to all the agents’ activity and performance. In addition to call making, the agents get below mentioned features with this app:

  • Receiving calls
  • Taking notes during calls
  • Saving customer data securely for offering personalized experience
  • Missed call follow-ups for reaching out the possible leads
  • Automatic call recordings
  • Personal and business calls stay absolutely separate in phone
  • Call transfer to other agents using modes (for example, warm or cold transfer)
  • Call merging with seniors, experts, or other agents
  • Putting the call on hold
  • Recent call information with call recordings
  • SMS feature to send custom SMS to the customer

Exclusive features for the supervisors include:

  • View, maintain, and update agent status
  • Real-time activity and performance report (such as on a call, rining, breaks, etc)
  • Live dashboard to check call flow with breakups such as inbound count, outbound count
  • Agent location tracking
  • For inbound counts, recognition of bottlenecks is possible in real-time
  • Colorful, pictorial reports with very expressive graphs for performance assessment of agents, service, status, etc

As soon as you choose to start your contact center solution with SparkTG, everything can start working in a few minutes. There are no capital investments and time required, as everything is on cloud. With so much flexibility, a successful customer service experience is assured.

Quick reports and analysis save you a lot of time to utilize in maximizing leads and increasing your conversion. Given the amount of flexibility and convenience, your team also performs better.

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