1 Contact Center Speech Analytics | SparkTG

Smarter Customer Experience With Speech Analytics by SparkTG

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Smarter Customer Experience With Speech Analytics by SparkTG

Smarter Customer Experience With Speech Analytics by SparkTG

India's leading cloud telephony company SparkTG integrating powerful speech analytics into its industry-leading contact centre solution. The aim is to enable businesses to attain more complementary customer experiences.

SparkTG’s speech analytics QA takes care of every single conversation at a large scale with industry-leading veracity. It allows the enterprises to observe all conversations of agents and customers with the help of AI. Provides ease of measuring customer sentiments and scoring agent performance using emotion intonation, analysis, keywords and speech patterns.

Translate Customer Conversations Into Actionable Insights With Speech Analytics

Convert whole conversations with customers into actions, with AI-powered text and speech analytics.

What Speech Analytics Means

Speech analytics is the platform that enables the contact centres with live customer calls and voice recording features to deliver quality information. Moreover, assists to gather the required information from the customers. The software analyses audio patterns and identifies words to discern stress and emotions in the speaker’s voice.

Perks of Speech Analytics Platform

Mordor Intelligence report says that the market value of speech analytics software will grow up to $4.38 billion by the end of 2025, as compared to $1.34 billion in 2019. There is a constant growth in the speech analytics market worldwide. The speech analysis aptitudes are advanced with the development of deep learning and big data. As a result, the technology is in high demand now-a-days with additional application areas.

Multilingual Transcription
Examine and translate 125 languages for better vision of customer support.

Update your transcription with domain-specific targeted phrases and words to make them more sensible. Make use of abbreviations, years, currencies, addresses, etc for domain-specific words or phrases.

Manage Operations Efficiency
Determine the performance of the team to prepare training courses for staff in future and to handle conversations. Offer enhanced CX and get polished client handling as an advantage.

Extract Analytical Reports in Less Duration
Allow pliable pricing facilities to deliver more and more cost management transparency.

Let Automation Reduce Expenses
The process of conversation analysis automation reduces the cost of manpower. Avails immediate perception of video, audio files, and call conversations.

Strengthen Strategic Business Decisions
Know the customers to refine future product offerings and serviceability. Boost conversation insights and strategic based sentiment.

Features of Speech Analytics Platform

More Coverage
Coverage of languages worldwide by using a comprehensive user-base.

Filter Content
Feature of filtering content based on personal and confidential information and unfitting words.

Robust Noise
Easy to detect and convert audio from a noisy background. Also, do not cancel noise.

Allow multiple participants in a conversation.

Speech Adaptation
Detects words automatically by putting unique and industry-specific phrases and terms while customizing speech analytics applications.

Real-Time Speech
Enables real-time speech recognition outcomes.

Use Cases of Speech Analytics Platform

Analysing performance of agents
Reduces the manual effort of analysing agents' performance. All done via automation.

Identifying Common Phrases Used by Agents
Improve customer satisfaction by analysing their satisfaction or dissatisfaction through the software. Accomplishing it manually by agents is very time taking.

Lowering Customers Efforts
Decreases customers efforts to make them easily understandable with the help of software.

Curbing Employees’ Efforts
Help to analyse employees easily, thereby decreasing their efforts.

Lowering Operational Cost
Decreases cost and human efforts related to telecommunications, technology, staff, overhead, etc.

Factors Causing Call Dispositioning
Easy to determine the factors responsible for call dispositioning labels or codes.

Enhanced Call Monitoring Method
Improved call monitoring process that in turn is responsible for better outputs and results.

Remarkable Customer Experiences for Organisations in 50+ Countries

SparkTG delivers remarkable customer experiences for organisations in more than 50 countries. With the power of AI and cloud, our technology connects every customer moment across service, sales and marketing on any channel. At the same time, improving employee experiences.

Our Address

Advant Business Park B-906, Sector 142, Noida, India

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